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The Chemistry of Healing

Leo Galland, I. Fatty Acids and the Cell Code, Gesell Update, Vol. 3., No. 3., Spring 1984.

Easing Stress: How to Help Patients Learn to Relax

Leo Galland, Patient Care 14: 138-72 (1980).

Behavioral Factors and Urinary Tract Infection

Kiku Adatto, Kitty Doebele, Leo Galland and Linda Granowetter, J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 241: 2525-26 (1979).

A Pathway from Ribulose Phosphate to Phosphoglycerate Involving Bicarbonate in Hemolysates of Human Erythrocytes

Normand L. Fortier, Leo Galland and Fabian J. Lionetti, Arch of Biochem. Biophys. 119: 67-75 (1967).

Stereoselective Metabolism of Amphetamine

Lars-M-Gunne and Leo Galland, Biochemical Pharmacology 16: 1374-77 (1967).