The Allergy Solution
International bestseller, co-written with Jonathan Galland, J.D.
The book plus a DVD of The Allergy Solution special on public television and a premium package of additional gifts can be ordered through WNET.
Already Here
In this memoir, Dr Galland describes his spiritual journey following the death of his son, Christopher.
The Fat Resistance Diet
Leo Galland M.D. with recipes by Jonathan Galland. The Fat Resistance Diet offers a program for rapid, permanent weight loss based on understanding the hormonal effects of chronic inflammation and their reversal through an anti-inflammatory diet.
Gastrointestinal Dysregulation: Connection to Chronic Disease
This monograph for health professionals describes the impact of the GI tract on systemic health and illness.
The Heartburn and Indigestion Solution
This e-book offers a drug-free program for overcoming heartburn, indigestion and related gastrointestinal complaints and describes the dangers of acid-suppressing drugs.
Power Healing
This groundbreaking work describes Dr. Galland’s award-winning approach to individualized health care, Person-Centered Diagnosis, for which he received the Linus Pauling Award from the Institute of Functional Medicine. Originally published as The Four Pillars of Healing, this book remains the most comprehensive description of Dr. Galland’s approach to patient care.
Superimmunity for Kids
Still a standard reference for parents trying to feed their children well, Superimmunity was one of the first books to educate consumers about the importance of healthy fats for enhancing immune balance.