The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health with Emphasis on Brain Health
Leo Galland, in The Microbiome and the Brain, David Perlmutter, editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, in preparation to 2019.
The Stress-Allergy Connection
Leo Galland M.D. and Jonathan Galland, J.D. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Volume 23, 144-145, 2017
The Allergy Solution: A Clinical Conversation with Leo Galland, MD, and Robert Rountree, MD
Alternative and Complementary Therapies. February 2017, 23(1): 1-6.
The Gut Microbiome and the Brain
Leo Galland, J Med Food 17; 12: 1–12 (2014)
Nutritional Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Leo Galland, in Metabolic Medicine and Surgery, edited by Michael M. Rothkopf, Michael J. Nusbaum and RDN Haverstick, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2014, pp 469-492.
Functional Foods: Health Effects and Clinical Applications
Leo Galland, in Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, 3nd Edition, edited by Benjamin Caballero, Lindsay Allen and Andrew Prentiss, Academic Press, 2013, pp. 366-371.
Mechanisms of behavioral, atopic, and other reactions to artificial food colors in children
Laura J. Stevens, Thomas Kuczek, John R. Burgess, Mateusz A. Stochelski, L. Eugene Arnold and Leo Galland, Nutrition Reviews 71: 268-281 (2013).
GERD as a Motility Disorder: A New Way of Thinking
Leo Galland, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 18: 292-6 (2012)
Homocysteine Reduction and the B-Vitamin Controversy
Leo Galland, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 18: 127-9 (2012)
Strategies for Establishing a Healthy Gut Microbiome
Leo Galland, Holistic Primary Care, 13 (2): 114-15 (2012)
Functional Medicine: A 21st Century Model of Patient Care and Medical Education
David S. Jones, Sheila Quinn, and Leo Galland, Textbook of Natural Medicine, 4th Edition, J. Pizzorno and M. Murray, editors, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, St. Louis, 2012.
Alternative Approaches to the Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Leo Galland, Katarzyna Kines and Gerald Mullin, in Integrative Gastroenterology, edited by Gerald Mullin, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011, pp 493-525.
Diet and Inflammation
Leo Galland, Nutrition in Clinical Practice 25: 634-40 (2010).
Drug-Supplement Interactions
Leo Galland M.D. Lyme Times Special Patient Issue
Drug-Supplement Interactions: the Good the Bad and the Undetermined
Leo Galland, The ACP Evidence-Based Guide to Complementary & Alternative Medicine, edited by Bradly Jacobs and Katherine Gundling, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, 2009, pp. 422-452.
Antioxidants and Chemotherapy
Galland L. Altern Ther Health Med. 2007 Sep-Oct;13(5):13
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Leo Galland, in Integrative Medicine, 2nd edition, edited by David Rakel, Elsevier, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2007. pp 541-554. 3rd edition, 2012
Clinical Nutrition
Leo Galland, in Complementary Medicine in Clinical Practice, D.P. Rakel and M. Faass, editors, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, 2006, pp. 61-68.
Patient-centered care: antecedents, triggers and mediators
Leo Galland, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2006: 12 (4), pp 62-70
Functional Foods: Clinical and Health Aspects
Leo Galland, in Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition, edited by Benjamin Caballero. John Wiley & Sons, London, 2005, pp.360-366.
Patient-Centered Care
Leo Galland, in Textbook of Functional Medicine, Institute of Functional Medicine, Gig Harbor, Washington, 2005, pp. 79-92.
Intestinal Protozoan Infestation and Systemic Illness
Leo Galland, in Textbook of Natural Medicine, 3rd Edition, Volume 2, J. Pizzorno and M. Murray, editors, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, St. Louis, 2005, pp. 655-660.
Integrative Approach to the Gastrointestinal System
Leo Galland, in Integrative Medicine Principles for Practice, B. Kliger and R. Lee, editors, McGraw Hill, New York, 2004, pp.457-502.
A New Definition of Patient Centered Medicine
Leo Galland, in Integrative Medicine Principles for Practice, B. Kliger and R. Lee, editors, McGraw Hill, New York, 2004, pp. 71-104.
The Patient Please, Not the Disease
Leo Galland, In: Inside the Minds: The Art & Science of Being a Doctor. Boston, Aspatore, 2002, pp. 77-98
Intestinal Toxicity New Approaches to an Old Problem
Leo Galland, Alternative & Complementary Therapies 1997; pp. 288-295
A Role for Food Intolerance in Childhood Migraine
Leo Galland and L.M. McEwen, World Pediatrics and Child Care 1996; 6:2-8
Minocycline and Rheumatoid Arthritis Revisited
Galland L. Ann Intern Med. 1995 Sep 1;123(5):392-3
Clinical studies with the NOVA ISE for 1Mg2+
Altura BT; Burack JL; Cracco RQ; Galland L; et al, Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl 1994; 217;53-67.
Patient-Centered Diagnosis as a Guide to Rational Medical Therapy
Leo Galland, Proceedings, First International Symposium on Functional Medicine, Health-Comm, Gig-Harbor, WA, 1993.
Magnesium, Stress and Neuropsychiatric disorders
Leo Galland, Magnesium and Trace Elements. 10:287-301 (1991-92).
Effect of Candida albicans plus histamine on Prostaglandin E2 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy women and women with recurrent candidal vaginitis
Witkins S.S., Kalo-Klein A., Galland L., Teich M., Ledger W.J., J. Infect. Dis. volume 164: pp 396-399 (1991)
The Effect of Intestinal Microbes on Systemic Immunity
Leo Galland, in Jenkins R and Mowbray P, eds, Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome, John Wiley and sons, London, 1991, pp. 405-430.
Giardia lamblia infection as a cause of chronic fatigue
Leo Galland, Marty Lee, Herman Bueno and Collette Heimowitz, J. Nutritional Medicine 1: 27-32 (1990).
Intestinal Protozoan Infection is a common unsuspected cause of chronic Illness
Leo Galland, J. Advancement in Medicine 2: 539-552 (1989).
Advances in Laboratory Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites
Leo Galland and Herman Bueno, Amer. Clin. Lab., Jan. 1989: 18-19.
Magnesium and Immune Function: An Overview
Leo Galland, Magnesium and Trace Elements 7:290-299 (1988).
Magnesium Deficiency in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Leo Galland, Magnesium and Trace Elements 7:78-83 (1988).
Biochemical Abnormalities in Patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Leo Galland, in Workers with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, M. Cullen ed., Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia (1987), pp. 713-720
Increased Requirements for Essential Fatty Acids in Atopic Individuals
Leo Galland, J. Amer. Coll. Nutr. 5: 213-228 (1986).
Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Mitral Valve Prolapse
Leo Galland, Sidney Baker and Robert McLellan, Magnesium and Trace Elements 5:164-74 (1986).
Altered Arachidonic Acid Content in Polymorphonuclear and Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma
R.E. Rocklin, L. Thistle, L. Galland, M.S. Manku and D. Horribin, Lipids 21: 17-20 (1986).
Candidiasis and Magnesium Deficiency
Leo Galland, La Vie Medicale (Paris), September 1, 1985.
Normocalcemic Tetany and Candidiasis
Leo Galland, Magnesium and Trace Elements 4:339-44 (1985).
Impaired Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism in Latent Tetany
Leo Galland, Magnesium and Trace Elements 4:339-44 (1985).
Magnesium Deficiency in Mitral Valve Prolapse
Leo Galland, in Halpern, M. and Durlach, J., eds., Magnesium Deficiency Physio-Pathology and Treatment Implications, Karger, Basle, 1985; pp. 117-119
The Chemistry of Healing
Leo Galland, II. Magnesium and the Battle for Light, Gesell Update, Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 1985
The Chemistry of Healing
Leo Galland, I. Fatty Acids and the Cell Code, Gesell Update, Vol. 3., No. 3., Spring 1984.
Easing Stress: How to Help Patients Learn to Relax
Leo Galland, Patient Care 14: 138-72 (1980).
Behavioral Factors and Urinary Tract Infection
Kiku Adatto, Kitty Doebele, Leo Galland and Linda Granowetter, J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 241: 2525-26 (1979).
A Pathway from Ribulose Phosphate to Phosphoglycerate Involving Bicarbonate in Hemolysates of Human Erythrocytes
Normand L. Fortier, Leo Galland and Fabian J. Lionetti, Arch of Biochem. Biophys. 119: 67-75 (1967).
Stereoselective Metabolism of Amphetamine
Lars-M-Gunne and Leo Galland, Biochemical Pharmacology 16: 1374-77 (1967).